Here is a rough guide to a my essential sources; see more at my main influences.

Ideas Philosophers: Thales, Democritus, Plato (Sophist—the definition of Being is power), Aristotle, Adi Samkara, Johannes Scotus Eriugena, René Descartes, David Hume, Immanuel Kant, Ludwig Wittgenstein, Martin Heidegger, Karl Popper, Kurt Gödel, WVO Quine, and John Searle. Theologian philosophers: Augustine of Hippo, Thomas Aquinas, Alvin Plantinga, and John Hick. Scientist philosophers: Isaac Newton, Charles Darwin, Albert Einstein, Werner Heisenberg, Erwin Schrödinger, and Ernst Mayr.

Yoga By yoga I understand a system (the realms below) that integrates cognition, emotion, body, and experience—always experimental in means and ends; it is not other than reason and logos. I.e., there is no final expertise in yoga but ongoing experiment and reflection in relation to purpose. Meditation—a part of yoga, is also experimental. It is not only an exercise or a practice (e.g. of quiet, emptiness, or contact with the real) but, in action, brings one back in the moment to the small and large essentials requiring attention—it is a practise in avoiding ruts. Some readings—Pema Chödrön: How to Meditate, Chagdud Tulku: Gates to Buddhist PracticeBhagavad-Gita, and the traveler Ian Baker: The Heart of the World on nature journey for insight into self (Atman) and world (Brahman).

Realms or dimensions of the worldpsyche, nature, society, and the iniversal—read details here.