Templates and Graphics

For your HTML authoring pleasure, we have added a few basic page templates to get you started. You can edit these files with any basic text editor or HTML authoring software. With very little effort you can take these skeletons and craft them into finely-tuned, attractive pages filled with your own content. You'll want to replace our generic information with your own content to make these pages your own. If there was ever a demonstration that content is what makes the Web interesting and useful, this set of pages proves it by showing just how empty an empty page can be!

Here's our collection of HTML documents designed specifically as templates:

A general HTML page with a few headings and graphics thrown in for good measure. Suitable as a start-up for any Web page. Beginners begin here.
A skeleton HTML table; replace our text with yours, add columns and rows as necessary, and watch your table grow.
Geared toward advanced page design, this template combines a table, graphics, and general HTML markup to create a visually divided page with areas for navigation and body text.
A basic three-frame setup actually comprised of four files: frames.htm, nav.htm, body.htm, and logo.htm.
A basic user feedback form you can incorporate into your own Web pages and have the results mailed directly to you. Please read the HTML comments for more information about data generated by the form.
The basic.htm template with a style sheet added on for good measure. You must have a style sheet compatible browser to see the effect of the the style rules on the page.

In addition to these templates we've scoured the Web in search of graphics for you to include in your Web pages to give them a little pizzazz. We've even incorporated some of them into our templates. To make our growing collection easier to manage and use we've divided the graphics up by type. Visit the graphics page to view the collection by category.

To work with a template simply open it up with your HTML or text editor and make your changes. You will not be able to save your changes to the CD-ROM, so save the file onto your own hard disk. To save a graphic to your hard disk simply copy it from the CD-ROM to the folder you would like it to live in -- usually close to the HTML file it is linked to.

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URL: http://www.lanw.com/html4dum/h4d4e/template/default.htm
E-mail: HTML For Dummies

Webmaster: Natanya Pitts, LANWrights
Copyright Information
Revised -- January 16, 1998