
Creation | Link to anchor beyond page edge | Link to invisible anchor | Link to anchor from different page | Link to anchor from same page | Tip

When you link to a page, a Web browser presents the top of the linked page by default. There are times when you may want to link to a topic somewhere in the middle of a page, or elsewhere on the same page. In these situations, you can link to an anchor, which is a marked location other than the top of a page. Anchors are often used to help navigate through long pages. For example, a table of contents or a navigation bar at the top of the page can be a list of topics that are linked directly to anchors attached to headings throughout the page.

To create an anchor:

  • Save your page with an.htm or.html suffix.
  • Open the page where you want to create an anchor. If necessary, scroll to the part of the page where you want the new anchor.
  • Drag the page icon down to the location where you want the anchor to be.
  • To link to an existing anchor beyond the edge of the page:

  • Select text or an image, and then choose Edit > Copy.
  • Scroll the page to the anchor you want. If the anchor is not visible, choose Edit > Show Invisibles.
  • Click next to the anchor, and then choose Edit > Paste.
  • Select the object you just pasted, and then drag the anchor onto it.
  • Choose Edit > Cut.
  • Scroll the page to the original object you wanted to link.
  • Select the original object, and then choose Edit > Paste.
  • To link to an invisible anchor:

  • Open the page where you want to create an anchor. If necessary, scroll to the part of the page where you want the new anchor.
  • Drag the page icon down to the location where you want the anchor to be.
  • Choose Edit>Insert Invisible>Anchor.
  • To link to an anchor from a different page:

  • Select the text that will lead to the anchor.
  • Open the page containing the anchor.
  • Drag the anchor icon and drop it onto the selected text on the first page.
  • To link to an anchor from the same page:

  • Select the text that will lead to the anchor.
  • Scroll to the anchor.
  • Drag the anchor icon and drop it onto the selected text. If the selected text is beyond the edge of the page, drag within the last line of text at the edge of the page (not beyond the edge). The page will scroll automatically.
  • Tip

    Use the Pasteboard to store anchors that you use often, or to hold an anchor while you scroll to an area beyond the edge of the page.