Subj: Gil's phone number Date: 99-02-16 13:57:18 EST From: Anilmitra To: Hi The number I have for Gil is 510 527 7784 I'm fine The project is coming along There are four parts to it: 1. The Experience and Experiments 2. The Ideas and Writing 3. Computer Implementations 4. Social Action I wrote a document based on the above outline last summer and have been working out the details. It is coming together. Next step is to rewrite the document based on the outline. Man it is multi-faceted. I usually only talk about what I am working on at the moment so unless I talk to an individual frequently they will only have a very partial view of the scope. Currently I have been working on one of the computer applications. The general topic is using a computer to help in the formation of ideas and concepts. The basic ideas were formulated in 94 - 95. Last year I worked on a number of manual computer implementations. Manual means that one has to instruct the computer at each stage. One of these [computer use] ideas was useful in formulating and refining the outline described above and its contents. Another actually helped me come up with a new philosophical idea. So the things do work. Recently I have been working on automating some of the computer implementations. These involve ways to organize and reorganize knowledge automatically. This is useful (1) because different users have different needs, and (2) comparison of different organizations is one way to come up with new concepts. I have been using Visual Basic programming in the automation process. This has been a whole lot of fun. The learning of the programming language is fun, the implementation is fun, and when the result works and I can actually do something with it that too is fun. The principle is to not reinvent the wheel. So if I can use the capabilities of Microsoft Word and Access to do some of the work I do that, and program what remains. Rather than build up a knowledge base [that is a project for the future when I have some intelligent hard working slaves working for me] I have been using the Encyclopedia Britannica on CD as the knowledge base. But there is some work to be done on the Encyclopedia because its organization is not formulated in the way I need. In the process I learned some more HTML etc. because the CD uses Netscape to view and navigate through the encyclopedia. Further, I wrote a program to automatically generate HTML files - a very specialized HTML editor. I have said nothing about the ideas or action end of my work because I have been focusing on the computer stuff for about three weeks. One thing I have learned at work is to appreciate my fellow man. That is as in men - the male gender. Nothing homosexual but just that they are great and that it pisses me off that it is supposed to be OK in America today to rag on men. Empirically - just based on observation and not based in any fundamental knowledge of their innate nature - women are whinier and way more manipulative. I cannot generalize because that is largely based on my work environment. And even in that environment there are some women who are just excellent specimens of humanity. Jaysi is thinking of visiting. I might enjoy that. Take care and visit when you want. Anil