Subj: Lovely day Date: 99-01-09 17:15:43 EST From: Anilmitra To: CC: Anilmitra Hi Jaysi Sorry to hear you are slugging along and am hoping that things get brighter. Are you getting "treatment?" I remember you said you did not want to do Western Medicine. Sometimes drugs - antidepressants etc. - give one the energy to get started with what is necessary - the first step out of a Catch 22. I don't want to sound presumptive, you know all that, if you aren't getting treatment you've considered it... Think of what I say as a friend expressing concern. Today is just really lovely. Cold but brilliant sun and warm in the sun. Beautiful blue farmland sky. In 1981 I travelled to Montana - big sky country - reminds me of that. [Had some adventures in Montana, hiked in Glacier.] So far this winter, except for early storms, has been like that. Makes it harder to get work done - plugging away at the computer in a room. Nicer to focus on the natural environment, the social environment - not the immediate personal one - is depressing. People being rather nasty to people. No urgent reason to write, just wanting to stay in touch. There is some news, though. My mom had a stroke, turns out it was a very small one but did'nt know that initially. Now she's talking but I suspect she does not have much time to live. Sad that the person who taught me how to enjoy life [my Dad was the disciplinarian] and who loved living so much is pretty much non-ambulatory. My Dad, of course, has been lonely while she is in the hospital and this makes him very nice. When I was 10 my mother spent a year in England while my Dad and I remained in India. My Dad took over the "Mother" role and was very loving. Anyway, we are talking every day or other day [the family], and that is good. Not sure when I'm coming to the Bay Area. Would like to look for work. Would like to meet friends. mmm but you are invited and welcome to visit here, it would be nice for you if the weather were good. Consider coming up. Will write about "progress" but have to go to work now. Love, Anil