To do: Explorer tree solution with or without Visual get documents and other files in the tree view use folders as files ...but this is inefficient and a better solution can probably had with the Visual Basic Tree View control implemented with switches to show/hide files or even files with certain extension...and other filters! Registry API Batch files and command lines Some points: File Manager = Winfile.exe = My Desktop / My computer? Program Manager = Progman.exe = Programs.grp = Windows Explorer? To start Windows 95 in the Program Manager, add a shortcut to Progman.exe to the \Windows\Startup folder Any ico, exe or dll file may have icons...change a shortcut's icon by r-click and properties... Windows icons in the foll: C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\SHELL32.DLL For the multiple windows batch file stuff see "Using Windows 95" pp.128 - 133