My Ideals and Aims





Being—infinite life—My Life, Death and Identity with the Universe: The Way

Process—Journey: The Path

Plans—sequential and concurrent activities

Some options


This document


Place, travel, and their planning

Time, routine, and routine planning


Appendix 1.            Template

Appendix 2.            Expenses

Appendix 3.            Information backup

Appendix 4.            Reinstall Windows 2000



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Being—infinite life—My Life, Death and Identity with the Universe: The Way

An Open Life. Identity with Being in the present


Meditative (mental process, quieting-so-as-to-listen) connection to Being—openness to ¥ and the ι (infinitesimal)

Here meditation includes all aspects of communication

The idea of the Material—the immediate / sensible and its extension through Science

Being as that which Exists and as identical to Spirit which includes the material (in a more inclusive sense the material and the spiritual are identical but perhaps experienced as different)

Holistic health

Physical. Exercise, diet, fluids, rest. Allopathic (MD, DO, DDS) &OR other resources

General. Holist and 12-step


Meditation is incompletely separated from action and includes designs

…this integrates design, planning, and plans


This / brief priorities / Journey in Being as integral


Action is meditative process and includes intentional action. Action is not mere ‘material process’

Meditative review and design

1.      Review and change

Review (template) form and contents—Template, Ideals, Material, Appendices (maintenance)

The Ideals include Being and Process and therefore values and intentions (goals)

Contents for priorities include all other priorities / planning / design documents

Layout and automation: essence / material-intermediate-place-time; headings / matrix; hidden text; programming, Word-Access-Special Markup language

2.      Other…


Internet, literature, Journey in being-detail (§§The transformations through Investigations), and possibilities for reading and study

Process—Journey: The Path

Toward substantial (material as Being) Identity with Being

Dimensions and sources

Dimensions—review the division Ideas and Transformation from the metaphysics

Ideas and Transformation are the two phases

The old Organic and Social phases are now part of Transformation

Sources—Folder: 2010 and after, index.html


Metaphysics-Epistemology—foundation, Logic; Logic / grammar, mathematics, logics and set theory

Cosmology—cosmological variety, fiction and Logic; Identity, Power, God

Applied Metaphysics—as metaphysics—as all Knowledge—, as envelope for disciplines and endeavors (ancient and modern)the ancient through modern disciplines and endeavors… The Disciplines and Endeavors as foundation-source-inspiration for Applied Metaphysics

Special topics—(1) Foundations of the sciences—matter-energy, life, mind, society… (2) Symbolic systems, language and languages, (3) Traditional and participant-immersion analysis


Dimensions and resources

Dimensions—review Being-MNSPU

Resources for the Journey—cultural resources: practitioners; literature, art, architecture, music; anthropology, history, mythology, religion, and sciences

Transformation in Being

Metaphysics, dynamics as envelope / foundation; variety of being

Systems and catalysts (standardize in Journey in being and dynamics, catalysts and catalytic states)

Minimal sequence—system—of experiments

The aim of experiment is to fully experience variety, identity, and Ideal Being

[In the life of the spirit we are always at the beginning]

The final aim of the minimal sequence is to show the journey of unending variety and Identity of All Being [I would prefer to show this by embodiment]

Logistics of experiment, materials, travel, sharing and coordination

Organic phase

Note. While the phases are currently separated for convenience, the organic and social phases are parts of transformation; publicity is part of the social phase

Transformation: matter / organism ® organic (living) and psychic forms « Being

Some topics—concepts from AI and A-Life

Soft &OR hard &OR wet approaches, research

Building &OR modeling &OR simulation

Design &OR auto-evolution &OR tinkering

Society, action, transformation, and sharing phase

Shared journey and charisma—some aspects—holist-spiritual, social, political, economic, cultural

Institutions: charismatic individuals and cultural leaders—spiritual, thought, art…; political, spiritual-religious-12 step…

Networking: person, travel, phone, email, mail, blog, web… maintaining contacts

The modern world: the situation, values and needs, change

Approaches—Ideas, participation and immersion

Sharing: publication and publicity

Publication—versions: essential &OR detail, monograph &OR narrative &OR drama &OR dialog, general &OR special-technical audience

Photography and photographs; audio-video

Site—an essential version

Web design

Media—impromptu and prepared presenting; TV / Radio; Internet; Schools-Universities-Academic organizations-Churches

Talking and public speaking

Advertisement &OR networking

Plans—sequential and concurrent activities

The main planning documents are (a) this, (b) priorities.doc, and (c) journey in-process 2012 and onward.doc. The index lists essential contents and planning


First—list current topics

List and make a template for catalysts and systems

The transformation of 2011

THEME—crisis and opportunity-transformation

EARLIER—metaphysics, dynamics, the idea of religion

JANUARY-APRIL—bringing together various and disparate elements, concrete idea of religion

MAY-AUGUST—worked the idea of religion, clarified aspects the structure of the metaphysics and journey, the concepts of God, Power, and Mediate powers; meditation-in-action

SEPTEMBER-OCTOBER—spirituality and its nature. Integration with the metaphysics its dynamics: spirituality, step programs, discrete and continuous transformation, meditation practice and meditation-in-action; foundation for practical and incremental spirituality; the duality of instincts for death and creation, the understanding that transparency (including openness to vulnerability) is a foundation for relations, charisma, and realization

Second—Develop Ideas and Outlines ® Write


Preliminary—On Spirituality

I may—and have begun to—use ‘ideal’ for ‘spiritual’

In the ultimate, Spirit and Matter are identical

Spirituality  requires full metaphysics; proper address of fear

Religion is shared, cumulative, charismatic spirituality (actual religions have patriarchal-institutional structures and may become corrupted)

Conceiving, developing, and understanding spirituality requires a full metaphysics (even on the simplest notion of definition of spirituality)

Spirituality is action? What does that mean? Spirituality includes action? But then, What is action? Is it mere intentional doing? In the meaning of action I would use, it would include doing and mind (including emotion) in interaction. Without thinking and feeling, there is no action. Without a spiritual attitude there is no spiritual action

Possible levels of spirituality: (a) How the Universe is (metaphysics), and (b) my life and relations including relations to the Universe (practical). But from monadology (b) º (a)

My death. Visualize my life-path and aims before and at my death. Determine time/ways/conditions =? enjoyment and usefulness/significance of my death

The next item, Transformation, develops spirituality

Transformation—Discrete and Incremental-continuous

Discrete transformation

§         Direct but may lack explicit clarity and foundation; outcome not always predicted or predictable

§         Provides finite transformation that the ‘continuous’ way shows but does not provide

§         Essential risk

§         Mystic-direct

§         Twelve step work; issue of shame; integrate steps with metaphysics-religion

§         Physical arts and the psychological aspects of self-defense—the idea of the warrior and issue of fear

§         Meditation—practice, meditation-in-action for focus, working through, articulation of transitory and permeable nature of self and so process-identity with the ultimate

§         Vision Quest

§         Social—shared transformation; reaching out; charisma and transparency (includes vulnerability)

§         Other catalysts and systems—e.g., fasting and risk… complete this—dynamics, catalysts and catalytic states.html

Continuous transformation

§         Incremental—but leads to Universal Metaphysics, next

§         For change that is accessible and stable and permanent or reversible according to choice: trust over risk. A mode of continuous transformation is a rational-experiential-empirical approach—which has here been shown to show itself (pure, applied metaphysics). Includes traditional ideas (and sciences), Universal Metaphysics and its implied dynamics

§         Complementary to and framework for discrete transformations. E.g., integrates step-work and religion via metaphysics

Special aspects of transformation

§         Building being, the Organic phase, and Design—see Organic phase

§         Sharing and society—and social-being action, and Design—(1) Shared process and transparency (charisma, vulnerability)—spiritual and material. Public speaking—speaking to audiences… networking, being open to ideas and what others say. (2) Immersion and participation (future of ‘science’). (3) Special groups. (4) The World Situation and needs—in relation to Ideals and Realism (incremental action, risk and bounds of explicit and process rationality)

Foundation for transformation—planning

§         Select ideas from above and material foundation

§         Essential writing and ideas

§         Catalysts and systems

§         Home base and mobility

Publication and publicity—see Publication and publicity for details

Publish essential versions of Journey in Being

Site and web design

Media, special audiences and public speaking

Network and advertise

Material foundation

Essential elements of meditation, holistic health, organic and social phases, publication

Essential elements of the Ideas and Transformation

Elements from Some options, and Material Foundation; emphasize mobility and minimizing property for travel / action in the world (nature, culture, society)

Some options



Planning and itinerary

Place—continent, country, regional, city… | ocean


Spiritual—Native American and Siberian, The Religions, Other systems—12 step…

Other—Work, Art… and Cuisine (all below)



Planning and itinerary, Humboldt, Nature places to visit

Place—continent, country, regional, city… | ocean

Local outdoor and exercise

Local hike. Requa to Lagoon Creek, Redwood National Park—especially Lost Man Creek, Prairie Creek State Park, Patrick’s Point, Elk River Refuge and Headwaters Forest

Running and biking (bike map). Above and—Hammond trail, Arcata marsh and community forest, Horse Mountain, Fickle Hill, Knee-land &Butler valley, Grizzly Creek Redwoods and south; Mad River, Clam, Moonstone, Samoa, and other beaches


Specialization—software expertise and development | engineering, energy and mathematics
education | philosophy, metaphysics, politics and policy

Kind of work—research and policy, technology, management, defense contracting

Institutions—private, government | university, lab, think tank | employment agencies, headhunters

Location—city, town, village | nature, wild, farm

Place—continent, country, regional, city…

Art, literature, music, drama and video

Art—drawing, painting, sculpture, architecture, and photography

Humanities and literature—classics, history, languages, literature, performing and visual arts, philosophy, and religion

Music—concepts and theory… Instruments—recorder, mandolin, guitar…

Dramatic arts—drama & acting, speech, dance, cinema and video



Far Eastern, Indian— Mughlai, Bengali, Marathi, Southern…, Central Asia, Middle East, North Africa, West Africa, Mediterranean, Europe, North America including Mexico and California


Ethnic Cuisine: The Flavor Principle Cookbook, Elizabeth Rozin, 1973



Cater / have a restaurant with the best food but not for profit with a shop for books, specialty foods, and cookware… and classes


Breads, grains, pulses and legumes, soups, vegetable / poultry / meat / seafood, dessert and sweats…

Kinds of cooking

Boiling and steaming, baking and oven, grill, pit, frying and sautéing, roasting, simmering, poaching, sun drying and cooking


Breakfast, brunch, snacks, lunch, tea, dinner, feasts and parties…


This document

May bring the section, Plans—sequential and concurrent activities, to the Material Foundation

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Journey in Being

Index of current documents

Journey plan | Main Topics


Design and document design for a journey in being

Website design technology

Possibilities for reading and study

Place, travel, and their planning


Inspiration—layout for being and function



One time

Single jack earphone


Food—breakfast: cereal, milk, fluids; dinner: rice, inst beans and vegetables… Ziploc dinners—and fluids; plants; toilet, incense, perfume, paper products, laundry, cleaning; medicines, glasses; clothing


Hiking. Bivouac sack, straps-glasses, straps-replace poor ones, scissors, needle, stove base, large pack, poncho, scrubber, seam seal… Sleeping bag design—layering, ensolite or air mattress-insert

General. Rain / wind pants and jackets; road / touring bike and panniers

Rain pants as wind pants, straps for belt, air-pillow, bike rack, chair, cot, sleeping bag design—

Food. Drier. Two types of hot meal—edible cold. Instant coffee


Capability needs—e.g., multimedia software. Travel needs—solar receiver, WAN

Social and cultural


Churches, 12 step

Book stores, cafes… University

Travel and mobility

Local—Road, touring bike with panniers / cargo trailer

World—Planning and itinerary

Time, routine, and routine planning

Everyday and week

Meditate, exercise, food-fluids, write, talks

Supplies, chores

Computer backup


See earlier section

Notes. Today

One time, as needed, month-year-death-eternity

Review needs and aims... planning. Finances—expenses.xls

Tax, Christmas

Review | minimize—designs (these documents), attachments, things, diversions


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Appendix 1.         Template


Being  |  Journey | Plans—sequential and concurrent activities |  Some Options

Material Foundation

Place, travel, and their planning | Time, routine, and routine planning


Expenses  |  Information and computer management

Appendix 2.         Expenses

May redo / insert expenses.xls

Appendix 3.         Information backup

Media—paper, local storage, Internet


Event, session—new and edited documents

As needed—application data, templates and custom dictionaries, favorites…

Data files—e.g. Quicken, Outlook, Favorites, Address Books…

Installation, upgrade—the above, repair and setup disks

Appendix 4.         Reinstall Windows 2000


How to format, partition or re-format, re-partition a hard-drive including boot or system-drive; how to eliminate undesired items with a Windows 2000 re-install [clean] but without reformatting or repartitioning

Multiple operating systems; partioning


Documents (My Documents Shadow versions) and other files (pictures, favorites, templates); settings

Options and programs—Outlook options, Quicken data, Word dictionaries, Installation files for Tweak-UI, Math-Type


Windows 2000

Using the Windows installation CD; partitioning; users; folder options

Installing from Windows: Insert CD; …select Install new copy; upgrade to NTFS is optional; may delete / reformat partitions except the boot partition

Install from CD

Boot, F2 set CD as boot default [later: reset]

Follow options: delete any / all partitions; repair; install new copy

Install drivers from CD; the only problematic driver is the modem driver: Insert drivers CD, r-click My Computer, properties, ‘Hardware’ tab, Device Manager, expand ‘Other Devices;’ r-click ‘Simple Communications Controller;’ click ‘Properties,’ click ‘Reinstall driver;’ on ‘Upgrade Device Driver Wizard, click ‘Next,’ select ‘Search for a suitable driver for my device,’ click next, Check CD-ROM device, click Next, when ‘D:\...\WDXGAA.INF’ is found, click next

Set start-Menu properties; desktop properties; folder options from Explorer


Installation of Programs [and data to backup]

IE 6, blocking pop-ups, 128 bit security

Microsoft Office: 1. Needed elements of Office 2000—Publisher; Small Business Edition tools, then 2. Latest version of Office—XP; related programs – Front Page

VB5—and VB5 step by step; Hardcore VB / Advanced VB etc…, Visual Studio, Array Visualizer

PK-Ware [zip] | Math-Type | Quicken; backup quicken profiles | Tweak-UI | Blender