Difficulties concerning understanding and pertinence

Anil Mitra, © March 2010, © Latest Revision August 13, 2010


The headings are new as of July 16, 2010. Needs: integrate the two sets


A first set 2

The work is contribution rather than recapitulation. 2

A rigorous work. 2

There is but one metaphysic. 2

It is an entire metaphysic, developed systematically and in detail 3

It is applied to develop a rigorous theory of Objects. 3

…and a rigorous unification of the particular and the abstract Objects; which stands against all modern belief 3

It is applied to the development of a broad metaphysical cosmology. 3

…and to the development, often to the limit of the context, of the range of academic disciplines. 3

…and to a broad range of human endeavors. 3

The Universal metaphysic which is the consequence of a journey in discovery is but only the beginning of the Journey in being. 3

The elements of the metaphysic have been but glimpsed in the past 3

The metaphysics is ultimate in depth and breadth. 3

No significant endeavor or academic discipline left untouched. 3

Immense consequences for the main fields of philosophy. 3

The metaphysics is pure and perfect. In application to the local disciplines this purity must be relinquished. We do not shrink from this task. 3

Apparent paradox in that the metaphysics is at variance with common and traditional world views. 3

A rekindling of formal religion from its death in the face of science and reason. 4

This requires a reconceptualization of the concept of Religion. 4

Fundamentalists will find here a far greater reality than in their dogma. 4

“There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy”. 4

Newness and strangeness. 4

New words with old meaning. A problem for all, but especially for the academic. 4

The mixed form of the development… and the narrative. 4

Breadth of background study; breadth and depth of implication. 4

A second set 5

A contribution rather than a compilation. 5

The worldview is ultimate in depth and breath; time for familiarization. 5

Immense significance of the system of ideas. 5

Familiar words with new meaning. 5

Multiple styles. 5

Aims of the journey cannot be a mere translation from ideas to action. 5

Results significantly against and method significant enhancements of mainstream.. 5

Serious work not expected of a non-academic. 6

Classical and modern problems of metaphysics rendered trivial / trivially resolved. 6

Move away from the mere-ness of continental and analytic thought 6


A first set

The work is contribution rather than recapitulation

1.       The work is presented as a contribution rather than recapitulation (today, the expectation of a non-academic writer is less than it was in the past)

A rigorous work

2.       It is presented as a rigorous work (there are narrative elements as well.) The metaphysics of the work is demonstrated

While it is accepted that the only reliable metaphysic is a metaphysic of experience, it is shown that the core concepts are both universal and experiential. While a cursory glance may suggest that the work is speculative in the sense that Hegel’s thought is speculative, the fact is that the work is demonstrated

There is but one metaphysic

In the literature there are many pretenders

3.       It is trivial that there is one metaphysic (this contrasts to the history of metaphysics that emphasizes a litany of hypothetical systems.) This one metaphysics may of course have more than one form (as shown by the seven developed forms of the fundamental principle) and it may be elaborated in greater or lesser detail and may in the future be seen through the lens of a finer logic. These variable factors do not affect the actual invariance of the one metaphysics; the Universal metaphysics is the one metaphysics

It is an entire metaphysic, developed systematically and in detail

It is applied to develop a rigorous theory of Objects

…and a rigorous unification of the particular and the abstract Objects; which stands against all modern belief

It is applied to the development of a broad metaphysical cosmology

…and to the development, often to the limit of the context, of the range of academic disciplines

…and to a broad range of human endeavors

The Universal metaphysic which is the consequence of a journey in discovery is but only the beginning of the Journey in being

The elements of the metaphysic have been but glimpsed in the past

4.       Elements of the metaphysics have been glimpsed in the past. However, what has hitherto been glimpsed in the form of isolated thoughts is now seen in an articulated and elaborated entirety; what has been posited or speculated is proved

The metaphysics is ultimate in depth and breadth

5.       The metaphysics is ultimate in depth and breadth—this, too, is demonstrated. That it is ultimate in depth means that an explicit foundation without substance is given—this stands against the expectation that foundations must either be in posited substance or be absent (e.g. because of infinite regress.) The logical reader may object but should follow the argument before making a conclusion. That it is ultimate in breadth means that all Objects in the Universe are implicitly under its purview and that there is no limit to the extension, duration, and variety of being in the Universe

No significant endeavor or academic discipline left untouched

Immense consequences for the main fields of philosophy

6.       In consequence of the ultimate depth and breadth of the metaphysics hardly any significant human endeavor or academic discipline is left untouched; the significance for Logic, philosophy, metaphysics, study of mind, epistemology, cosmology, and the natural sciences, and the place of human being in the Universe is immense

The metaphysics is pure and perfect. In application to the local disciplines this purity must be relinquished. We do not shrink from this task

7.       The metaphysics is pure and perfect

8.       In a significant number of cases, in deriving consequences for the discipline, it is necessary to leave the purity of the metaphysics (these cases are treated in Worlds.) Here, it is shown that there is potential to maximally eliminate ad hoc elements and approach intrinsic disciplinary limits by analysis within the frame of the metaphysics

Apparent paradox in that the metaphysics is at variance with common and traditional world views

9.       There is an apparent paradox in that the metaphysics is at variance with world views commonly derived from science and from religion. The magnitude of the universe in the latter views is shown to be infinitesimal relative to the now demonstrated magnitude. Yet there is no actual contradiction with science or reflective common sense

A rekindling of formal religion from its death in the face of science and reason

This requires a reconceptualization of the concept of Religion

Fundamentalists will find here a far greater reality than in their dogma

“There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy”

10.   For those who see the death of formal religion in the face of reason, the work shows a way to rekindling symbolic meaning, and content of religion and its significance for and as a kind of action. Fundamentalists may find that the actualities revealed constitute a far greater reality—a reality that may be known and discovered without invoking dogma or faith (anyone disposed to dogmas of a priori factual truth of scriptures may fail to see the relevance of reason)

Newness and strangeness

11.   I have anticipated that readers may have difficulties of understanding, seeing, and accepting the content of the narrative

New words with old meaning. A problem for all, but especially for the academic

12.   Because of the newness of the context many concepts are significantly new—i.e. there may have been some sense a concept in prior thought but the present concept is enhanced—is a different concept; yet it is more or less necessary to frequently use old terms rather than to coin new ones. This adds to the difficulty—the reader, especially the academic, may think she or he is on familiar ground even though the terrain is different than what has been encountered before

The mixed form of the development… and the narrative

13.   Another source of difficulty may have been the mixed form of the development—formal exposition of a metaphysics and its consequences, a narrative of personal discovery, and a grounded exploration in the transformation of being and realization of ultimates

Therefore, in the past, I have attempted to add explanation to demonstration, metaphor by which to see, and to show the consistency with reasonable views of the world. This has led to a slippery slope of runaway attempts to explain content and form and scope, of repeated explanation, and of explaining the explanations. What should be a simple structure becomes invisible for the thicket

Breadth of background study; breadth and depth of implication

14.   Regarding relevance, the academic / intellectual / scientific reader may note the potential for their disciplines; these disciplines are of course not studied merely in their ‘purity’ but are also of practical interest. The revelations of a greater universe and its identity with the individual and consequences for a ‘religion’ of reason, feeling, and action may be of interest to the general reader

A second set

I do not think the work is intrinsically difficult. It will of course take time to become familiar with the ideas but the main ‘difficulties’ will result from expectations regarding the nature of the work. The following comments may be useful

A contribution rather than a compilation

Journey in being aims to be a contribution to the human endeavor in ideas and process. Any significant contribution will in all likelihood draw from the traditions. However, the work is not a compilation of ideas of others

The worldview is ultimate in depth and breath; time for familiarization

The worldview or metaphysics of Journey in being is ultimate in depth (foundation without substance) and breadth (the metaphysics shows and tacitly contains the limitless variety, extension, and duration of being.) It will take time to become familiar with the metaphysics and its differences from our modern secular views (and the views from religion) and there may be apparent contradiction. However, the metaphysics is demonstrated and the paradox resolved

Immense significance of the system of ideas

The grounding (Intuition,) implications (topics in Metaphysics,) elaborations (related topics: Objects, Cosmology,) and applications (Local Worlds, Transformations) have immense breadth and significance

Familiar words with new meaning

Old and common words are used but their meanings are used in very specific, defined, and often ultimate senses. This may be especially problematic for technical readers

Multiple styles

I use a style that varies between narrative and technical. I have not used a theorem and proof format

Aims of the journey cannot be a mere translation from ideas to action

The metaphysics shows that the realization of the aims of the journey is not susceptible to a simple translation from ideas to action. The journey must include incremental elements. Participation of the individual in process is essential—and not a mere theory of this participation. Thus involvement is essential but it is not a case of being involved by deploying ideas; involvement is living in and through ideas—ideas and experiment in interaction; experiment is not merely instrumental but involves the being of the individual; it must do so… Therefore the mixed style is appropriate

Most importantly, for completion, transformation of being and identity is essential

Results significantly against and method significant enhancements of mainstream

I go against and derive results contrary to mainstream thought and expectation. It was not my purpose to do so except that I do admit to wanting to contribute and to do so it must be useful to contemplate what has been regarded as (academic) heresy. However, where I go against mainstream academic ‘belief’ I have given arguments. Examples of ‘going against the mainstream’ include contemplating and showing the very possibility of metaphysics, that constructive metaphysics need not be merely speculative, that human being is more than in the scientific and secular world view, and, a more specific example, a unified understanding of concrete and abstract Objects

Serious work not expected of a non-academic

In the past, non-academic and peripherally academic thinkers and writers have contributed significantly to the development of ideas. In fact, it was thought that, in earlier times, that resulted in the academy. Today, however, rigor of thought and construction of systems of ideas are not expected of the non-academic

The distinctions academic versus non-academic, professional versus amateur are not appropriate vehicles of contrast here

Classical and modern problems of metaphysics rendered trivial / trivially resolved

The rendering of so many classic and modern problems of metaphysics as trivial and trivially resolved

Move away from the mere-ness of continental and analytic thought

The move away from philosophical thought of the markedly analytic and continental varieties; the willingness to think rigorously and globally