The following are interactive and remain in process:
Select and define the goal (or goals) and deadlines.
Knowledge and other prerequisites. Knowledge—general
(metaphysics), particular (path); and sharing—a teacher and community.
Path—review, define, synthesize, and select:
mechanics; ways and catalysts; practice and discipline; process: elements
and phases.
Path—review, define, synthesize, and select:
mechanics; ways and catalysts; practice and discipline; process: elements
and phases.
observations on being and process
What are the critical points in the process? What are
some options—place-community-spirituality-realization, sources and teachers
(search web and others), process versus pure being (‘after’) and be-ing
versus mere enjoying (the ride for the remainder of my life).
Being is central—as neutral, it is container for all
understanding and for the in process identity of the immediate and the
ultimate. That is, within one ‘perspective’ we—even the eternal—are always
at the beginning and, simultaneously, we are the ultimate.
The process flows from and into practice—awareness and
meditation in action and its counterpart of ‘no mind’, of the
mechanics-ways-and-catalysts. Meditation and reflection on death—the nature
of death and (my) transitory-and-so-eternal-character—are critical. Process
includes immersion-action-sharing in being: the world—nature, psyche, and
civilization (these help define phases of becoming).
These are some sources of being in the
immediate-ultimate as one.
The goal is to be in process in the immediate and
ultimate as one.
Prereqs.—knowledge, ways, and other
Develop, know and understand of metaphysics with
theory of human being (mind-heart-body and civilization). Selection of
ways—especially, mechanics, disciplines, catalysts, elements, and phases.
Find teachers and community.
WAYS are grounded in a MECHANICS OF
TRANSFORMATION and being which employ the
RISK of EXPERIMENT, REFLECTION on outcomes, and re-experiment in the INCREMENTAL and SINGULAR process of
realization (at root the process is not a priori and therefore A-RATIONAL—neither rational
nor irrational—which is empowering because there is no dependence on some
more fundamental principle). The ways included ESTABLISHED WAYS which in turn
include DISCIPLINES and CATALYSTS. Simultaneous to—as part of—process, the mechanics
initiates, establishes and enhances the disciplines, ways, and catalysts:
the mechanics is a DISCIPLINE
ELEMENTS of transformation include: VEHICLES (individual and
civilization), MEANS (ideas and action), MODES (intrinsic and external
to identity—e.g., the focus of YOGA and the focus of science), DISCIPLINES
(accumulated-formal and oral-mythic—and their mechanics; also classed as
conceptual and active which includes technology and ritual), and PLACES (intrinsic: psyche, and
external: nature and civilization—i.e., society). These suggest PHASES: IDEAS, transformation—INDIVIDUAL-CIVILIZATION, and ARTIFACT-TECHNOLOGY.
General Share-love-network-clist: place-movers-rides | $I¯O
Realize Trial Wvll-Trnty | Ddln just do it
Minmax-triage: property [for (a) backpack / camp / travel / move / essentials
(b) store (c) eliminate]-space | action-time
(¯ movies)
LCSW-relate to other,
self: ‘move-place’ and motivate
Fieldwork. : Sacred
places, research institutions. Define aims (1) Nature—aim,
location, access, maps, and other resources. See hiking list. (2) Culture—research
spiritual communities (network: word of mouth); communicate—network
spiritual travelers. (3) Artifactual process—personal study,
investigation, and building artifacts; seek university and other contacts,
communicate with collaboration as goal.
Write.: Field
notes, modules, and narrative(s). Write
/ mail in notes. Sharing—networking. Electronic—personal,
remote, and cloud data entry and processing—and social media.
Travel.: Personal—bike, car (Mexico…) Share—network; Craiglist… Public
transportation—bus, train, plane, and boat.
House- when in town Store.: Rent, trade, share (contacts, network)
WA, Mexico, Uruguay, non reciprocal…