JOURNEY IN BEINGTASK SEQUENCE   |   Home   |   Essay   |   Short   |   Outline   |   Add’l material

Document status: January 16, 2007

Outdated; maintained out of interest

Essential content absorbed to and no further action needed for Journey in Being

 Outline  Non-text: style-DocOnly. Make smaller paragraphs and sub-headings; include topic stems

Superscript number of occurrence of a given concept

 List, Mark & Import  topics, main propositionsconcepts, and detail. Manuscript. Working: Journey in Being-Outline (current)-‘06 detail (with directives, concepts, lexicon.) Secondary: Journey in Being 05-Journey in Being 04 (preliminary; with propositions) – Concepts and ordering-Metaphysics–main concepts. External: List of articles. Tertiary: Journey in Being 03 (original) – New Ideas-Outline of experiments-Design (planning and sources) – History of thought and action-Outline of knowledge-Kinds of knowledge-Logic and natural law-Michael-Parables-Principles of thought-Questions about existence-Future of religion-Quantum theory & Foundations-Why Being?-Origins of grammar & Concepts-Pierce (use the information on signs) Letters: Joan 10.98-12.99-2.1.06-2.10.06-4.06-10.98-5.01. Misc: New Year 04. Robin: Robin-To-Final-Short-Very short

 Import & write   Excite  Integrate threads. Chapters 2, 3, 4 « Introduction

Indent detail and technical writing (or otherwise identify)

Write main propositions in plain or defined terms

Technical work is identified by language or argument

Detail is elaboration of ideas and arguments: example, illustration, re-phrasing

 Edit  Abbreviate – short version, update for latest thought, imagination and criticism; reduce – main propositions and detail; hyperlinks. Style: rigor, passion, appeal; poetry, flow, simplicity; readability; narrative – novel, myth, epic, poem; essay vs. book vs. monograph vs. piece vs. article; ‘is’ and ‘being’ in phasic and supraphasic senses. Punctuation: ‘’, vs. ‘,’ … ; end of paragraph marks. Elephant style. Covers: format and synchronize front and back covers, letter for complimentary copies

Link and format. Introduce links and consistent formatting. Link keywords: above, author, below, chapter, concepts, detail, developed, earlier, elaborated, elsewhere, essay, explained, following, foundation, fundamental problems, immediate, in the essay, in this essay, index, introduction, journey in being, later, lexicon, link, of the essay, of this essay, preface, previous, section, shortly, small capitals, sources and influences, subsequent, the essay, this essay. Concept keywords: capitalize main occurrences of concepts and make concordance for the Index

 Excite   Advertise  How: short talk, contacts, practice, appearance, tailor web-site. Where: media, networking, complementary copies.  Funds  All possible sources – formal and informal: apply, ask, website

 Future  1. Knowledge – study as needed for use and to complete the system. Access database for system, essay. 2. Experiments – follow plan; seek place, assistance and support. 3. Design and construction of being – refine objectives, follow plan; means – theory, software and embodiment, hardware; objectives – intelligence, life and mind; kinds – assistants, agents and co-agents. 4. Society, transformation, and the good – refine objectives, follow plan; kinds – writing, action; areas – concepts, general, specific application