Ways of Being

Level 5 Outline


Document status: June 15, 2006


Essential content absorbed to and no further action needed for Journey in Being

Select ways vs. modes. Primary modes: temporal and absolute; related to acting vs. knowing; being in the present vs. the journey

CODE: LEVEL 1 OUTLINE, Level 2, Level 3, Level 4, Level 5

Code: This will contain level 9 as comment and other comments with ‘body text’ outline level


Summaries 1

Introduction 1

Foundation 4

Journey in Being 9

The Fundamental Problems 11

Lexicon 12

Sources and Influences 12

Index 12

The Author 12


This section will be eliminated

The summaries have a strikethrough because they are not being incorporated at this time

Central Summary …   Prospect for the Journey and its Foundation …   Implications of The Theory of Being …   Mind …   Object. A summary of knowledge and concepts …   Principles of Thought …   The Nature of Science …   Cosmology …   Theoretical Physics: Quantum Theory and the Relativistic Theory of Gravitation …   Desirability …   Faith …   Conclusions and Critical Review. Prospects for Journey in Being …   The Nature of Philosophy …   The Journey Continues


This chapter is introduction to the journey and (sections marked*) preface to the essay

Even though there is a Lexicon, should key terms be placed in the main chapters? If so, then perhaps in some cases they will be placed just after chapter heads while in other cases they may be placed after section heads. Replace ‘terms’ by ‘concepts?’

Limit outlines of the Metaphysics (outside the section in Foundation) and Journey (outside §2) to one section (each) in the introduction

Introduction to the Journey in Being

Use: pJO.2 of (2005) vacation, ‘Preliminary’

Journey – its nature and the choice to use ‘journey’

Includes: Origins and Paths. The Ambitions and their Evolution. Individual and Universal Aspects. Journey-Quest

Primary, secondary objectives

Includes: Who is the subject? On ‘whole systems’

Significance of the Individual Story

Includes: Criticism of My Life and Thought. Two Paths: Journey (ideas, transformation;) Life


The Form of the Essay

On the Publication of the Essay*

Introduction to the Ideas, Themes and Methods

Being (metaphysics – the theory of being and its origins, existence, journey, knowledge-understanding etc, experience-of, identity-with, transformation-to etc)

Universe (phase – that which marks ‘different’ beings where ‘different’ is more discriminatory than in common use, i.e., it includes temporal displacement)

Void (possibility, necessity, actuality; the first proof of the fundamental principle of being… what should it be called?)

The Normal (the feasible)

Logos (logic; the second proof of the fundamental principle… Wittgenstein?)

Feeling and Intuition (also see the same topic under Principles of Thought below)

Power (the measure of being is being; this meaning of power provides an approach to determining what has being, i.e. to what exists )

Morals and Politics: practice and principles of group and individual action including choice – creation of and selection from options (includes ethics and value: the desirable; and the feasible; and rights and the right. Note that the combination of ethics and political science and philosophy is not traditional in Western Philosophy)

Form and Object… science (1)

Concepts and Fields (of concepts)

Theory… science (2)



Principles of Thought. On Thinking (detailed treatment below)

Journey and Transformation (Individual and Synthesis; the personal only as useful – as ‘typical’ and as an example… in most discussions refer to ‘the individual’)

On Thinking: Introduction to Principles of Thought and Judgment

Introduction to some Principles of Thought
meaning arriving at valid knowledge, sound judgment… and not restricted to ‘thought’ in its limited sense

‘Core Concepts…’ and ‘On Thinking’ are from (2005) vacation. Combine ‘On Thinking’ with ‘Knowledge and Certainty’ (and values and faith) (J 2005) emphasizing the §§: ‘Transitional and Absolute views of Knowledge’ (and noting, if not already done, that these correspond to the two modes of being and the relation to the identities of being and knowing)…   ‘Knowledge and Action’ …  ‘Emotion, Belief and Faith’ …   ‘The Conceptual Problem of Knowledge’ (perhaps) …   ‘On Criticism’

Combine, mutually enhance and consolidate ‘principles’ with the ‘theory of being’

Introduction and preliminary discussion for ‘On Thinking’

Why not ‘how to think’ or ‘principles of thought’ – because:

Purpose: what has arisen informally in my thought and has been found useful; as integral with the development of the ideas above; as showing that thinking and discovery of principles are not fully separate processes; as preliminary to later formal treatment and absolute principles

As an occasion for inclusion in and application to the traditions – of both thought and the principles

The discussion begins with a very informal preliminary listing (into which I have introduced some order for convenience.) I have included some ‘principles’ from the tradition. However it is not the purpose to give a definitive treatment of the principles and it is not taken a priori that there is a final and definitive treatment

Preliminary and Informal Listing
of some Principles

1.       Suspend criticism (excessive) in the beginning and anytime as useful to encourage flow of thought (the value of ‘private’ journaling… in contrast to and in lax and tight integration with public journaling or sharing discussed below)

2.       Reflexivity. Thought should be reflexive (there is a specific meaning in which any system of critical-constructive thought should satisfy its own criteria or standards, i.e. should be reflexively applied to itself and a general meaning of reflexivity in which any aspect of content or method (or approach) may be examined for potential application to any other… and note that construction or creativity is required in the formulation of even ‘merely’ critical thought; and there is a general meaning in which any aspect or discipline of thought should, as productive, may be applied both critically and constructively to any other)

A.      Thought and principles of thought grow in interaction. For and individual, community, culture, or civilization – any tradition – both thought and its principles grow in interaction over a ‘lifetime’ in not altogether separable interaction. The factors of interaction include individual-culture-civilization and thought-principles

B.       The critical attitude (in necessary interaction with the hypothetical or imaginative – i.e. the critical-hypothetical or critical-constructive attitude) may be seen to grow out of the reflex

C.      Application to the attitudes of perception and judgment

D.      Application to the principles of criticism

E.       Reflex brings ‘opposites’ together and reveals (is instrumental in revealing) their true nature

3.       Meaning and Concepts

A.      Review of Meaning and Concepts (The concept. Sense and reference / intension and extension. Analytic and Continental Philosophy; and other traditions)

B.       Systematic thought. The field and its analogy to the axiomatic system. The nature and meaning of ‘systematic thought’ … that it is not merely the building of speculative systems but, instead, that it emphasizes the need to develop ideas in interaction and that while it does not reject piece-meal analysis it recognizes the need to supplement that by interactive analysis of (at least partially) complete systems

C.      Systematic thought may be regarded as growing out of the cultivation of reflexivity

4.       Miscellaneous considerations

A.      Stating the obvious; Rephrasing the question or concern; Accepting the absurd (at least temporarily… it may be ‘good’ to live with the absurd… the absurd is ‘relative’

B.       The following are (elements, aspects, parts) factors of rationality: patience, perseverance, idleness, analysis and synthesis i.e. atomism and holism, diversion, rest, exhaustion, reserve, boldness, dreaming, concrete and abstract thought, living out one’s dreams – or the dreams of a civilization… Abstraction is key in transcending the removed quality of perception and in moving toward ‘objectivity’

C.      Sharing and an intent to share –informally and informally– is fundamental in criticism and construction. The act of sharing is important in itself: it brings into play subconscious factors of both criticism and construction that otherwise lay fallow. And the response to sharing, harsh or appreciative, is always a spark… I have found encouragement, suggestion, help, association as fellow traveler, aversion, insult, adulation, even revulsion and hate all useful

D.      Read, study, dream, imagine, experience, experiment, travel… in breadth and depth… randomly, as occasions arise, and systematically

5.       Do not take (these) principles ‘too’ seriously

6.       Feeling and Intuition (2)

Note that the order of development in this outline of ‘feeling and intuition’ is a little different, especially in the place that emotion is introduced, than in the original notes and, so, when typing the notes it will be necessary to mutually adjust outline and content

A.      Feeling (the nature of feeling as conceived here is crucial to the developments, especially the following

B.       Feeling and Mental Function (feeling, its varieties, the degrees of intensity, and their elaboration and integration constitute the mental functions… this constitutes both experience and the unconscious which, together, include attitude and action; note that regarding attitude and action the question of what they are is as much a working toward a proper conception as it is of discovery)

C.      Intuition (intuition is the ability of the mind in virtue of which the world is perceived in characteristic modes, e.g. spatially and temporally at an integral level and e.g. with color at a sense level)

D.      There is and can be no thought in the absence of intuition. And there can be no adequate thought or development of thought in the absence of its integration with the emotional side of feeling. Although there are degrees of separation, there is an essential integration of the mental functions in a life that attends realistically (and therefore imaginatively and creatively) to its multiple needs or dimensions – physical, social, free and committed…

E.       In the integration of the mental functions (cognition, emotion…) in intuition, cognition, criticism (reality basis,) creation (construction) come interactively and holistically together in real time. This is a necessary prerequisite (or co-requisite) and guide to the analytic separation of the functions

F.       The integration is essential compass and gyroscope to the development of analytic and empirical precision and rigor

G.      The integration of the functions in intuition is foundation for (a) humanity, (b) competence, (c) exceptional ability – genius as exemplified by Newton, Ramanujan… (d) Intelligence (or intelligences) is a stepwise (ladder) and not a linear or linear-like (straight line) function of ‘raw abilities’ due to thresholds in integration and requirements for performance. While raw ability is essential to integral ability and outstanding performance, so is integration within which there are numerous compensations that generate such abilities and performances

On Thinking: Summation

1.       Reflexivity is essential in the approach to adequate and comprehensive thought… and generative of various particular ‘principles’ in my thought and from the tradition e.g. ‘dialectic’

2.       Being in the world

3.       Systematic thought

A.      What it is and what connotations it does not have

B.       Necessary for grounded work in analysis and in science

4.       Integration of the cognitive functions in intuition is essential… what this means and its fundamental importance. Factors include:

A.      Inheritance

B.       Biological development from fertilization to death (factors…)

C.      Social influence (factors…)

D.      The individual’s own cumulative input into growth and integration (what are some factors…)

Factors B – D can be cultivated and are therefore important in immediate application. All factors are important in understanding and long term change

Core Arguments and Achievements

The arguments have had some discussion above; achievements include conclusions and results

Arguments and Conclusions; The Concept of Importance; Achievements


Includes concepts, methods, results. How the functions of the parts determine their unique placements. Chapter 1 emphasizes universal, atemporal; Chapter 2 emphasizes individual, temporal; Journey emphasizes the relationship. Remove overlap with other sections in the Introduction


Reading the Essay*


Foundation and Concepts. Central conceptual issues

The Journey: Ideas and Transformation


Introduction to the Theory of Being

Review the following to make sure it contains the essentials without repetition. Consider changing the level 3 heading ‘The Nature and Concepts of Being. Existence’ to level to and placing it before the above heading ‘Introduction to the Theory of Being’

The Nature and Concepts of Being


Being: ‘That which Exists or has Existence.’ Excluded Uses. Choice of the word, ‘being’

Intension: The Nature of Existence. The Verb, ‘To Be.’ Appearance and Reality

Extension: ‘What Exists?’

Power: the Measure of Being. Existence and ‘Existence As’

Preview of the Theory of Being based in the Void that places all being on an equal footing

Why Being? Significance of the Concept of Being

The Elimination of Substance
On Seeking

Principles of Thought

This is where the principles might be placed but it is more convenient to have discussed the informal aspects earlier and the formal and possible absolute aspects below

Expectations for a Theory of Being

Nature of a Theory: Understanding and Realizing All Being

Motives, Rationality and Acceptance of a Theory

Lineaments (Contours, Outline) of a Theory

Understanding and Realizing all Being
Elements of a Theory: Primitives; Explanatory Principles (methods, approaches.) System of Being (results)

Add comments on the nature of the results relative to intension or meaning and extension or range

Its Motivation is Inherent in the Theory
Problems and Concerns that an Adequate Theory of Being Should Address

Absolute completeness and intension; that completeness is relative to direction(s) of understanding and analysis. Relative completeness and extension; unless value (of knowledge) is introduced as a criterion, relative completeness is relative to a knowledge context

Outline of the Theory

Ontology or Pure Metaphysics
Logic. Theory of Knowledge
Human Being

Implications of The Theory

Application: Human Being and Society. Faith


The original order is in the L3 Outline. Two very brief consolidations of the entire chapter suggested in ‘Edit’ are (1) Being – Form – Explanation – Cosmos, (2) Identity – Cosmos – Explanation – Being. Here is one not so brief consolidation of just the metaphysics from Edit

Introduction to Metaphysics

Meanings of ‘metaphysics.’ The meaning here: the experience and study of what exists – as existing and in its varieties. The traditions. Ontology and the broader interpretations of metaphysics

Rise and Fall of Epistemology. Careful reflection on metaphysics and its possibility and ubiquity. Significance of a journey in  the growth of understanding. Necessities and Morality (fruitfulness) of Metaphysics

Being, Mind, Universe, Void, Logos, the Normal

Being. Existence. Mind, Phase. Substance, Process and Relationship. Other Essential Topics in the Analysis of Being

Universe (all being, phase,) World and Void (absence of being.)

Some implications that are stark in their content and the simplicity of the logic. Metaphysics, cosmology, and logic cannot be distinguished. Logos. The Normal

Logos, Form and Logic

Form and Symbol. Logic


Object, Identity (1) and the Individual, Truth

Symbol, Ideal and External Object. The Concept

Language (introduce brief stem section?) There is a later treatment of language

The Infinitely Many Attributes Theory. Are there Attributes? Attributes and Phase

Knowledge and Belief. Theory of Knowledge. Epistemology as Metaphysics. Possibility of Metaphysics and a Complete System of its Problems

Truth. Beauty. Love (1) (Beauty and love, in their common meanings, are not important to the development here. However, beauty is often discussed in the context of truth and so it may be useful to see what content their may be to that juxtaposition. Additionally, in their ‘higher’ meanings, there is a connection among the three concepts. In their common meanings, beauty and love have a central value. Some might question this. The higher meanings shed light on the common meanings, the possibilities for growth of this meaning in concept and in living, on the significance and relations among the common meanings. Possible title regarding love: ‘Is there a Place for a Philosophy of Love?’ The point being that philosophy might overcomplicate the possibility and force of simple love, that analysis might suffocate feeling… and not that reflection is irrelevant or useless. Additionally, love might be more profitably analyzed under psychology)

Identity(2). Personal Identity and the Individual

Becoming, Order and Chaos: Indeterminism, Mechanism and Explanation

Are there Absolute Principles of Thought?

The principles have been discussed earlier where it was suggested that even though the discovery of principles of thought is an informal process that is not separate from thought itself, there may be some formalization and absolute principles. The point is placed here so that it may be discussed in light of Logos and related concepts

Introduction to Logic, Cosmology, Anthropology, Ethics and Politics, and Faith


Logic as Analysis of Necessary or Constitutive Form

Primal or Universal Logic. Are there Conditions for Primal Logic to Obtain?

Laws of Logic

Context and Logic

Logic and the Possibility of Metaphysics. Certainty

The ‘impossibility’ of metaphysics is based on the idea that the object-as-such or the thing-in-itself is not known. This is a logical point in that it is the ‘ideal object’ that constitutes knowledge and that the ideal object and the noumenon are categorially distinct. The premise behind this conceptual point is that apprehension is the only mode of knowledge and it does not apply to knowledge expressed in (free) symbolic terms. Thus, the impossibility of metaphysics in these terms has not been demonstrated at all. Further, the development of metaphysics here is, in essence, a proof by construction of the fact, and therefore the possibility, of metaphysics. Metaphysic in symbolic terms would be impossible if there were no bridging the gap between intension and extension; however, the developments here do in fact bridge that gap. This will be very surprising to those who love agnosis –the incompleteness of human if not all knowledge– regardless of their reasons (open vistas of discovery, humility whether real or pretended.) There is also the point (that I have not pursued yet in detail) that the categorial distinction referred to earlier depends on a model of perception or apprehension


Identities of Possibility, Necessity and Actuality (1)

Logic and the Void


The Void. Possibility, Actuality and Necessity (2)

The Fundamental Problem of Metaphysics

Critique of the Development

Logic and Argument. Deductive Logics. Science

Logics and their Contexts

Classical Logics. Propositional Calculus. The Predicate Calculi. Modal Logic. Indexicals

Note: the propositional calculus is fundamental as the structure of inference; the predicate calculus (at least the first order calculus) is fundamental because of its applicability in mathematics and its treatments of existence and universality. Also modal logic and indexicals have a new treatment; the treatment of modal logic is through the new analysis of possibility from the Theory of Being…

Other Contexts and Variant logics. Probability Calculus as a Logic. Quantum Logics. Other Logics

Induction and the ‘Scientific Method.’ Science and Reality. Law


Reference is Necessary for a Sentence to be a Proposition

Relevance for Language


General Cosmology, Order and Chaos

Cosmology and Logic

Fundamental ontology. The Void, its Existence and further Properties. Identity of Possibility, Actuality and Necessity (3)

General Cosmology

World, Universe, Law, God. Mind. Phase… Space, Time and Space-Time

Further Cosmological Consequences

Cosmological System; or Phase-Epoch or Coherent Domain of the Universe
Creation, Recurrence, Karma, Annihilation
Being that is the Span of All Being

Order and Chaos

Determinism and Indeterminism. Universal Indeterminism and Local Determinism-like or Causal-like Behavior are not Inconsistent; the latter Necessarily follows from the former

Two Divides in the Evolution of Being: Cosmos and Symbol

Origins of a Coherent Cosmological System

Origin of the Free Symbolic Capability

Evolution as a Mechanism

Normal Cosmology. Local or Physical Cosmologies. Application – Theoretical Physics

The Concept of the Normal

The Normal; Normality and Necessity; Normal Cosmology; Evolution as a Mechanism. Limits, Miracles, Magic

Some Normal Categories and Considerations

Mind and Causation. Action and Choice. Knowledge. Physical Cosmology: Local Origins of Space-Time-Matter-Interaction (force, e.g. Gravitation, physical law) (Quasi-)Causation and Quantum Theory (Dynamics.) Life…

Identity (3)

Anthropology: Human Being, Action (Agency,) Society and Civilization

Human Being: Organism and Origins

Human Mind, Order and Chaos

The Nature of Mind. The Central Character of Experience Emerges in the Extension to the Root. Comments

Especially in the case of mind, the distinction between what we think mind is or is doing and what it may be or may be doing is crucial. It is crucial since mind is not quite as value laden as ‘faith’ and so there will be a tendency to not notice the distinction which, in any case, must be subtle… indeed some consider that there is no function, i.e. that there is no such thing as mind

Combine previous line with the next

Experience: Feeling, Awareness, and Consciousness. Characterizing Mind: Extension to the Root. Aspects of Mind: perceptive / receptive or Attitude, reflective or Null, and active or Action

 …thinking of experience as distinct from action-attitude re-introduces the ‘Cartesian split’

Psychology in a Normal World. Introduction to the Elements of Mind

The Normal (2)

Review the point that the meaning of ‘normal’ here has no explicit connection with sense in ‘abnormal psychology.’ Further,  abnormal psychology –as the psychology of disorder– is unnecessary regardless of whether it is conceptually or politically proper. Also note, that the perception of jugdmentalism  is enhanced by the exclusive use of ‘abnormal’ to refer to disorder and not to high function and exceptional achievement

Function. The Categories

I had thought to use ‘functions of mind’ in this section but have decided against that

Layered Organization of Mind. Unity in the Extended concept of Feeling

Dimensions or Modalities* of (Subjective) Feeling

Part-Whole. Variety – corresponding to physical and body dimensions. Intensity: from bright to dim to unnoticed even when noticeable; the character of feeling that never enters the center; it is only noticed or second order awareness that is on/off. Quality – Attraction / Repulsion e.g. Pleasure / Pain. Mood or Tenor: Uni-Directional or Fluctuating. Directionality: Afferent-Efferent. State-Disposition; Memory. Focus-Background*. Center-Periphery. Integration-Independence: Layering, Modularity-Integration (Holism)

Axes for the Mental Phenomena. It has been seen that, in extension to the root, experience is fundamental. Therefore, experience is not a an ‘axis.’ The two ‘axes’ are, then, attitude and action both of which are characterized by experience in its extended sense

Bound-Free and Internal-External

Perception, Concepts and Meaning. Wittgenstein’s contribution including the Analysis of Solipsism. Feeling-Motivation-Cognition: an Integrated System

* Due to John Searle

Categories: structure and process

Aspects of Mind. The Categories of Intuition; Axes for Mental Phenomena (considered above;) Growth and Development

The Categories and Elements of Intuition. Existential: Being, (Becoming, Being-in, …) Humor… Physical: Space, Time, Causation, Indeterminism (Humor…) Biological: Life Forms and their History. Psychological or Psychosocial: Image-Concept, Icon-Symbol, Emotion, Humor, Communication, Value, Identity…

Growth. Learning and Development. Personality; Purpose, Commitments, Accomplishment and Meaning; Love (2). Mind, symbol and value as providing a Proximate or Initial Account of Being and Becoming (experience and transformation)

On any discussion of love that I might include: it is important to note the intensive and extensive aspects. The question regarding utility of a ‘philosophy’ of love is equivalent to a statement that the depth of the extension is little enhanced by understanding its intension

The foregoing may be placed in separate sections. The following are additional topics

Personality and Identity. The Individual as a Whole – Psychology of the whole Person. Rational Study of Personality in terms of (personality) factors; Developing a System (systems) of Factors

Ontological Psychology: Personality and Meaning

Exceptional Achievement and Disorder

I put these topics together to suggest the connection but without suggestion as to the natures or necessities of any connections; and to suggest that the two topics, though they may be pursued independently, may also, at least in some ways, be profitably studied in interaction

Language, Logic and Culture

Cognition and Communication

Language, Icon and Thought; Expression of Concepts


Uses of Language (‘designated’ functions neither define nor exhaust the possibilities and uses of language)

Metaphor and Other Non-Literal Uses
It is as if Language Creates a Universe of its Own

Comment on Errors Encouraged By Language

Bewitchment of Intelligence
Bewitchment of Critical Thought

Society, Order and Chaos

Desirability: Ethics, Value and Feasibility. The Highest Ideal

A solution to the problem that idealism conflicts with practical realism is not to reject idealism but add to it that the search for the ideal is itself an ideal. It is among the highest ideals – it may be regarded as such

Ethics, Value and Political Theory. Group Decision, Choice and Action

Note that economics and ethics (axiology) are implicit in value

From a previous discussion of action | From a previous discussion of ethics – what are these sections

The problem of the utopian ideal is not exclusively a problem of ideals but of any large scale change. Social stability is maintained by a network of interactions. Therefore, any sweeping change has a potential to bring about chaos i.e. destabilization. Although attention to practical concerns will not prevent chaos, a lack of such attention is obviously a factor in its precipitation. A solution to this concern is attention to the ideal and the practical in incremental change. What I have been suggesting, of course, and in this my thinking has precedent, is movement toward a conceptualization in which the the ideal and the practical are not distinct. What of large scale change? Large scale change will be naturally precipitant when the network of interactions that include human concerns becomes sufficiently off center. This will be the normal situation for abrupt change and it may be fortunate when this opportunity is seized by forces of reason and moderation. It may be especially fortunate when the seeds of change are seen and the opportunity seized in advance of the precipitation. Naturally, when this occurs there will be no certainty that chaos had been averted since there was no certainty but only an estimate that it might have ensued. These thoughts are not intended as an argument against but as a caution regarding incremental change in stable times

Law and Legal Theory


An objective of the discussion of faith is to see it as an element of the previous section, ‘Human Being and Society’

The entire section is to be reviewed and revised. The level 9 headings, especially, are to be collapsed. The template for this will be the brief, concept driven version of ‘Journey in Being’

The Concept and Nature of Faith

Here, again, it is necessary to refer to the idea that designated function neither defines nor exhausts the concept and nature of the topic under consideration. The principle is actuality is complex (messy) and institutions that may be (idealistically regarded) as having one function, may acquire numerous roles (not merely functions) – which is confused by deterioration and abuse (whose meaning is also called into question by the lack of identity between role and designated function)

The following level 9 topics are from the section Faith of J 2005-06 (in process)

Common Faith    |    Science and Faith    |    Faith and Action    |    Faith is not Logically Absurd… properly speaking, faith cannot be logically absurd for its ‘proper’ function occurs where neither proof nor disproof are available    |    Faith and Need    |    Further Reasons to Have Faith    |    Criticisms of Faith    |    Counter-Criticism    |    Psychology of Faith    |    Justification of Faith; Faith and Action (Again)    |    Faith and Reason    |    States of Faith    |    Systematic Truth of a Scripture    |    Given Faith’s Hold, Bridging the Gaps Between the Faiths and Between Faith and Secular Truth May Have Value    |    A Purpose of the Discussion Has Been to Introduce Doubt Regarding Common Attitudes to Faith    |    A Generalized Doubt. Is it the Function of the Instruments of Knowledge to Produce Knowledge?    |    An Approach to Doubt    |    Bridging the ‘Gaps’ Between Faiths and Between Faith and Secular Truth

Faith, Reason and Chaos

Rational foundation of faith. One of the ‘foundations’ of faith is its absurdity; this is both positive – in being a reminder that given knowledge has severe limits, and critical – in that faith in the absurd secures adherence. Therefore, that dogma may have a foundation as not absurd may undermine it… Therefore, the ‘best’ proof is one that is suspect but not transparently so

Religion, Myth and Charisma

Regarding faith and charisma, the point is that since faith is necessary for action but, in the absence of ‘proof’ cannot be regarded as ‘rational’ and, therefore requires charisma. Charisma, here, is based in the implicit persuasiveness of the individual; proof can be seen as a form of patriarchalism

The following level 9 topics are from the section Religion, Myth and Charisma of J 2005-06 (in process)

Cosmology, Faith and Religion    |    Faith and Religion; Common and Esoteric Faith; Articles of Faith    |    Some Conceptions of Religion    |    Cognition and Feeling (Emotion) in Religion    |    Function. Essential Message(s)    |    Designated vs. Actual Function    |    Comment on Definition; on Naming    |    What is Religion?    |    What is Religion; Inner and Outer Truth (= Non-Literal and Literal Meanings)    |    Inner Truth Does not Justify Outer Truth    |    But without Outer Truth there Can be no Inner Significance; Conflict Between Faith and Reason    |    If the Scientific Picture is Experienced as Alienating, the Alienation is not From Science but the Emotional Response of the Individual    |    The Scientific Picture is not Inherently Alienating    |    There are Alienating Ways of Practicing and Teaching Science    |    Although Science is not Intrinsically Limiting the Picture From Science at any One Time May be so    |    Significance of the Theory of Being    |    The Infinities ‘Revealed’ By the Theory of Being    |    The Theory of Being is not Essential to this Revelation    |    These Conclusions From the Theory of Being Provide no Absolute Comfort; Suffering and Evil are Essential Parts of the Universe    |    If Good and Evil and Pleasure and Pain are Necessary, is there any Real Meaning to ‘Good,’ ‘Evil’ ‘Pleasure,’ and ‘Pain?’    |    Abuses in the Name of Religion    |    Additional Criticisms of Religions (but not of Religion Itself)    |    Articles of Faith

Literal or Material Interpretations

Cosmological System; or Phase-Epoch or Coherent Domain of the Universe
Normality and Necessity
Creation, Recurrence, Karma, Annihilation
Being that is the Span of All Being… or of Some Inclusive Range of Being
Chain of Being: God, …, Individual Soul, Element of Being
Articles of Faith
Limits; Miracles; Magic
Heaven and Hell

Non-Literal Interpretations

Classifications or Typologies of Myth, Faith and Religion

Fundamentalist Attitudes

Problems of Religion

Religions of the World

Religion and the Secular World

The purpose of this new section is to analyze the status religion and of the religions rather than the intricacies, the positive and the negative of the individual religions. The purpose is not relative evaluation of the religions but to better see the place of religion and the possibilities for the future including a turn away from science and democracy and, on the other hand, bridging between science, common sense, faith and spirit (the possibilities of being) and between the religions or particular forms of faith

The Place and Future of Religion. Bridging

Criticism, Conclusions and Prospect

Status of the Theory of Being

Two Approaches to Foundation

Conclusions on the Nature of Being

The Journey as a Whole… the Character Common to Every Being

Being as a Whole
Human or Animal Being… as Central to Our Journey… and as an Example
Any Being

Summary of the Foundation: Primary Implications

Being    |    Logic is at the Core of Being; there is Always Logic    |    Paradox and Reference    |    Logics    |    Relevance of Logic    |    The Universe is All Being    |    The Void is the Absence of All Being – of All Things    |    What is not a Contradiction is Possible    |    Actuality, Possibility and Necessity are Identical  (with Regard to the One Universe)    |    Ontology    |    The Concept of Normality    |    There is BEING that Spans All Being    |    All Being is Interactive    |    Metaphysics

Mind, Matter and Substance

Mind    |    Substance    |    Matter    |    On Pan-Psychism and Materialism    |    Knowledge    |    The Journey

Comment: Should ‘materialism’ be called ‘pan-materialism?’ Logically, if the definition of matter in place is analytic, then pan-materialism is an appropriate term

The Ultimate


Journey in Being

Review the following to make sure it contains the essentials without repetition


Journey as Essential in Discovery of Being

Being as Journey

Individual Journey

The Role of Transformation


Intrinsic Purposes

Illustration of Being as Becoming or Journey
Three Journeys; Narrative
…and Development of the Journey

The Understanding of All Being

An Essential Account of the Cumulative Understanding From Human Culture and Animal Being with an Evaluation Based in the Theory of Being –Inclusive of Metaphysics, Logic, Cosmology and Theory of Knowledge– and its Support in the Disciplines and History of Action

A Narrative of Transformation

Applied purposes

Mutual Review of the Foundation and the Traditions

Map of the Journey: what has been Accomplished

Include: a re-reordering of the Metaphysics of §Foundation that focuses on and starts with the individual journey. This ordering rationalizes §Journey

Background: A History of Knowledge and Exploration

Journey in Understanding

Metaphysics and the Journey: Knowledge, its Human Tradition and Transformation

The Traditions of Knowledge and Systems of Disciplines – Emphasizing Those of the West and of India

One function of this section is the following

A system of knowledge. Objective: to show that the foundation contains, at least implicitly, all human knowledge. Method: I will use the Modified Britannica System – also see: Outline of Knowledge and various EB links. The essentials of the modified system for the present are: A. Symbols and Knowledge 0a. Symbolic Systems from which, λ = Language and Symbol or, generally, semiotics – the study of signs and sign behavior, μ = Mathematics 0b. (these elements included in what follows or are not fundamental; note that humanities are a study of disciplines and study of philosophy is part of philosophy) The Humanities and Philosophy; Study of Science and History. B. The Universe 1a. μπ = Metaphysics and general cosmology, nature and varieties of being, which includes λ' = Logic, εα = Value or ethics and aesthetics, κ = epistemology nature and varieties of Knowledge, where, note, Β = Belief is fundamental and Faith = Belief-Action, Knowledge = Belief-Justification; 1b. Physical science, nature, behavior and varieties of material object including π = physics, physical cosmology, and chemistry; 2. γ = Geology; 3. β = Biology, nature and variety of life; 4. ψ = Mind, nature and aspects; 5. σ = Society, nature and aspects including ό = economics, κρ = political science and philosophy (and law;) and 6. η = History. C. Artifact 7. α = Art, nature and varieties of (literature, music, painting…;) 8. τ = Technology (elements = energy, tools and machines… and fields = agriculture, transportation, information, earth and space exploration…; and 9. φ = Faith, nature and varieties of non-literal meaning including ρ = religion, its nature and varieties: the religions of the world throughout history

Done: the following are treated or, in the case of γ, secondary: λ, μ, μπ, λ’, εα, Β-φ-κ, π, γ, β, ψ, φ. The following are stems and final locations. The links in the following are local links within the in-process Journey in Being - 2005. λ = Language (introduce brief stem section?), Relevance for Language, Language, Logic, Culture, FP sections starting Language. μ = brief comments in, Significance of ‘Being,’ METAPHYSICS, Logics and their Contexts, Relevance for Language, Unity in Understanding: Metaphysics and the Journey in Being, place central comments in FORM rather than logic? μπ = METAPHYSICS, Unity in Understanding: Metaphysics and the Journey in Being, Metaphysics and Philosophy in Light of the Theory of Being, Characterizing Metaphysics and Philosophy, FP sections starting Development of the Concepts and Terms and Mind. λ’ = Logic, Language, Logic, Culture, Form, Logos and Logic, The Status of the Logic of the Theory of Being, Cosmology and Logic. εα = HUMAN BEING: MIND, SYMBOL AND VALUE, THEORY OF VALUE AND GROUP ACTION, under Unity in Understanding: Metaphysics and the Journey in Being: Elevate the topics ‘General Metaphysics,’ ‘Symbol,’ ‘Value,’ and ‘The Highest Ideal’ to headings, FP introduction and section The Concept of Value and the Ideal. Β-φ-κ = KNOWLEDGE AND CERTAINTY, Principles of Thought, Theory of Knowledge, Mind, Knowledge, and Object and Symbol, A Personal Account of Knowledge and Faith, Knowledge, Aspects of Mind. The Categories of Intuition; Axes for Mental Phenomena; Growth and Development, BELIEF, FAITH, FAITH. π = Note that the physical order of this cosmological system may be seen as a part of logos, see Form, Logos and Logic. Physics may be seen as a topic in LOGIC and COSMOLOGY. Normal Cosmology. Local and Physical Cosmologies; Physical Cosmology; repeat note that reorganization and telescoping of this and the §§ through ‘Quantum Dynamics’ may be appropriate. Local Origins of Quasi-Causation and Quantum Theory; Space and Time or Space-Time, and Causation and Physical Law and its four sub-sections, CausationDynamicsSpace-Time-Matter and GravitationQuantum Dynamics; Order and Chaos in Cosmology. β = Life, Biological: Life Forms and History under The Elements of Intuition, Evolution as a Mechanism. ψ = Mind, Form and Symbol, Knowledge, Object and Symbol and, perhaps, some sections for κ, above, Mind and Causation, Summary of the Foundation Continued: Mind, Matter and Substance, HUMAN BEING: MIND, SYMBOL AND VALUE and its sub-sections, MIND, Psychology: Introduction to the Elements of Mind, Functions of Mind, Categories, Growth, Development and Meaning, Order and Chaos in the Human Organism Including Mind, some sub-sections of Uses of Language, Discussion of Mind, Symbol and Value as a Proximate Account of Being… also see the sections of FP

Needed. For the following, determine whether they are treated and whether adequately. If not enter minimal treatment. Disciplines: σ (κρ, ό,) η, α, τ. σ = The Elements of Intuition: Psychological or Psychosocial…; Language, Logic, Culture; Order and Chaos in Human Life and Society(?;) Theory of Value and Group Action and its sub-sections, Ethics, Value and Political Theory and Law and Legal Theory; also see, in the present section above, New. Elevate the topics ‘General Metaphysics,’ ‘Symbol,’ ‘Value,’ and ‘The Highest Ideal’ to headings. κρ = contained in σ. ό = implicit in Theory of Value and Group Action. η = Biological: Life Forms and History under The Elements of Intuition; Order and Chaos in Human Life and Society; THE HISTORY OF KNOWLEDGE AND EXPLORATION. α = See comment on art under Language, Logic, Culture, add topic, ART perhaps under Language, Logic, Culture. Add discussion: at the root of every art form is a form of feeling-expression-transformation. Thus the potential of art is that it may, just as science and other ‘disciplines’ of understanding and exploration may, enhance the range of what is known to be possible. Therefore, also, there are ‘excesses’ of cultivation of art, whose boundaries are not clear, and whose cultivation is a cultivation of a paper-life, a cultivation of the dead. τ = see discussion toward end of HUMAN BEING: MIND, SYMBOL AND VALUE in present version, Journey in Being - 2005, of relations between the free symbol and technology (and tools.) Add comments on the interactions among the free symbol, culture, and technology. There is some discussion of technology in Catalog of Fundamental Problems which may go to FP while the technology component remains here: with completion of the elements and fields of technology the discussion of technology in this box may be adequate to this essay. Also see comments on symbolic representation and machine realization of being under Experiments in Transformation, below

Learning From the Disciplines

Ideas as Journey. Metaphysics and Philosophy in Light of the Theory of Being


Topics in Metaphysics


Metaphysics, Philosophy and the Journey in Being
Characterizing Metaphysics and Philosophy
Philosophy and Analysis
Philosophy of Philosophy: Reflections on the Question, ‘What is Philosophy?’
Mature Philosophical Reflection

Catalog of Fundamental Problems




Dynamics of Transformation

Experiments in Transformation

Construction of Being

Action, Ideals and Society

Analysis: The Modern World

The Journey Continues

After the Journey


Problems of Being and Knowledge

This section defines a ‘systematic catalog of fundamental problems.’ The principles of system should be those defined in the ‘Foundation.’ There is a discussion of a catalog under The Traditions of Knowledge and Systems of Disciplines – Emphasizing Those of the West and of India (local link in the in-process Journey in Being - 2005)

Being and Transformation


Program of Study, Research and Experiment

Ideas: Aspects of Being

The Concept and Structure of the Journey in Being and its Foundation

Specific Topics for Further Study and Investigation

Development of the Concepts and Terms    |    Structure and Relations Among Fundamental Concepts    |    The Nature of the Object    |    Mind    |    The Problem of Identity    |    Language and Thought    |    Language    |    Language Structure and Logic    |    Logic    |    The Concept and Demarcation of the Unspeakable or Unthinkable    |    Truth    |    The Problems of ATOMISM    |    The Concept of Value and the Ideal    |    Quantum Theory    |    Time and Space    |    Non-Propositional Functions of Language (for Research Plans)

Add topic. Knowledge. The purposes are (1) intension – nature, meaning and problems of knowledge and (2) extension – showing the range of knowledge and demonstrating functionality and completeness though not uniqueness of the system

Review to see what has been completed since the following topics were identified. The two sections on concepts above should be combined. Some aspects of the sections on mind, identity, the object, truth, language and the unspeakable and the unthinkable should be combined andor cross-referenced

Combine (some) aspects of the sections on time, space, atomism, quantum theory and any aspects of physics not noted


Distinguish and include (1) foundation of transformation and completeness of the system, (2) methods of transformation and completeness of this system

Status and Future of the Essay

Subsequent Editions

Combine the sections on planning and the future of the essay



Bibliographic Information