STIR FRY WITH CABBAGE AND ALBACORE A friend was at my house for dinner. This was an impromptu stir fry served with white rice. Ingredients Half teaspoon of mustard seeds. One seeded jalapeņo, five cloves garlic, and a half inch cube of fresh ginger... all finely chopped. One onion, two bell peppers, coarsely chopped One bunch of celery chopped lengthwise and a medium head of cabbage cored and cut in one inch cubes A handful of peanuts Soy sauce to taste Quarter pound of smoked cooked albacore One shredded carrot To do Saute in deep oil, medium heat in a wok till the seeds pop. Stir into the hot oil and fry for a minute Add to the wok, stir in, saute and stir till the onions have a hint of brown Add to the wok, stir for five minutes, cover. Allow the mix to simmer a while in the water from the vegetables Add and stir Serve with white rice. Sprinkle the albacore and the shredded carrot over the stir fry and rice. Anil Mitra October 25, 2000