RELATIONAL DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS EXPERIMENTAL USES ANIL MITRA PHD HOME PAGE: _________________________________________________________________________________________ - Implement and manage categorization - Categorization includes Representation of a conceptual scheme Hierarchy - Management includes Reorganization according to an alternate scheme where alternate schemes are present from the or introduced later. Examples: change of metaphysics, subject organization to application vs. theory, title vs. subject vs. author... Entry; file sizes relative to management entry, update, conceptual play and world representation Addition and insertion: update vs. append for "tables", documents, conceptual divisions... Extraction of information and construction of sub-data bases. Extraction of specific data could be joining tables [Ch. 10 of QUE Special Edition: Using Microsoft Access 97] and querying and then customizing the result in ways such as: show selected fields, eliminate repeating visible records.. Such customizing can be simple as in [Ch. 10] or the making, modifying of tables as by action queries as in [Ch. 11] SPECIFIC EXAMPLES 1. In Experimental Book Collection.mdb I made a Query "Topics in Which Authors have Published" as follows: From relationships I connected Authors to Topics and then Chose Author Names from Authors Table and Topics from the Topics Table as Fields. I had Access sort the Topic field in ascending order and "dragged" the Topic field into leading position This is the basis of a convenient summary of Authors publishing in various fields. It would then be easy to extract Authors who published in, for example, business As an alternative sorting could be by authors and this would show the areas in which a given author had published This Example shows some of the principles of how to extract information geared toward a specific end from a More general database. Incidentally, it also shows some reorganization principles 2. See: "E&Dref.mdb" this is a precursor to example 3, below HERE IS THE NEXT EXAMPLE I have selected these examples as exemplifying the kinds of applications and the application topic. Of course The selection is very limited at present r/t "kinds," "topics," generality, sophistication, flexibility and fluidity, and extent 3. Topical and conceptual reorganization of B [being] and Source Fields This example is under construction Plan: identify the objectives: what EML.EDA topics, and what transformations. Within these bounds keep this Example as simple as possible for it is a preliminary example primarily as learning, and it would be an unbalanced commitment of time to aim for a production version both in terms of other learning that I have to do as well as the need to earn and experiment and make mistakes and have ideas before production For meanings of the terms see ACCESS PLAN.DOC http// Computers and networking/Learn/access plan.html March 20 1998 - Constructed a very simple example - "Relativity Publications.mdb" see "Einstein.doc" for some details ... edited and converted that to "Einstein.txt" and then imported into the database Table: "Einstein"... Reorganized a copy "Einstein Copy 2"... Made a query "Topics and Titles"... all this was Very but it begins to illustrate the points in a primitive way