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Anil Mitra © July 2017 — July 2017

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Prologue—A quest for Meaning

The Way of Being is dedicated to shared discovery and realization of the highest immediate and ultimate aims of Being.



Being, universe, and the void††

1.     WHAT IS THERE and DIFFERENCE are named givens.

1.1.     SAMENESS is absence of difference.

1.2.     EXISTENCE and BEING. are terms for the property of what is there. To exist is to have Being.

1.3.     The UNIVERSE is all Being or existence—over all sameness, difference, and their absence.

1.4.     A BEING is the universe or part of it.

1.5.     POWER, the ability to have an effect is the measure of Being.

1.6.     THE VOID is the NULL BEING or absence of Being.

Possibility, natural law, and logic††

Possibility in general

2.     POSSIBILITY defines the limits of beings and Being.

2.1.     The CONSTITUTION of a kind of being, case of Being, or a CONTEXT defines or specifies the kind, case, or context.

2.2.     A conceived STATE is POSSIBLE for a being if it is allowed by or does not violate the constitution of the being.

2.3.     An ACTUAL state of a being B is possible. This may be called B possible.

Possibility for the universe


Cosmos and epoch

2.5.     OUR COSMOS is the domain of our empirical knowledge as understood in terms of our natural laws (natural law is defined shortly).

2.6.     An EPOCH is a phase of sameness and difference over which the being does not mutate and which is causally connected; for the phase, it is causally isolated from the rest of the universe.

Natural law and possibility

2.7.     A LAW, LAW OF NATURE, or NATURAL LAW is a READING of a generic PATTERN for a being (in our experience, a cosmos).

2.8.     NATURAL POSSIBILITY, for a cosmos (and some other kinds of Being, e.g. living beings) is defined by its constitution (to the exclusion of epoch).

Sentient possibility

2.9.     SENTIENT POSSIBILITY is the possibility of sentience as subject and agent. Kinds include sentient possibility for the universe and for a being.

2.10.       Sentient possibility includes capacity for thought and feeling and possibilities for sentience driven action and creation.

Logical possibility and Logic

2.11.       LOGICAL POSSIBILITY is whatever is allowed by logic. Logical possibility is conceivable possibility in general.

2.11.1.    Whereas the previous kinds of possibility are limits on Being, Logical possibility is not a limit on Being but a limit on concepts for realizability.

2.11.2.    The capitalization in ‘Logical’ is explained shortly.

2.11.3.    If a conceptual representation of the universe satisfies logic, its realization is logically possible.

2.12.       Whatever is possible under the limiting kinds of possibility, is logically possible. Conversely, the logically impossible concept is never and cannot be realized; therefore all possibility lies within the logical.

2.13.       (Therefore) logical possibility is the greatest conceivable possibility; it must contain universal possibility.

2.14.       Our LOGICS are cases of logic. They are approximate in two ways—in being incomplete and where not known to be consistent.

Greatest possible universe

2.15.       The concept of the GREATEST POSSIBLE UNIVERSE (GPU) is that of the universe defined by Logical possibility.

2.16.       If, as is found in Metaphysics, the universe is the greatest possible, then given any definite possibility or actuality, there is (1) a greater definite possibility and actuality, (2) a greater definite sentient possibility actuality.

A hierarchy of possibility

2.17.       Let = mean is the same as, > mean includes but is not the same as, >= mean includes or is the same as, and >> mean is much greater than.

2.18.       In naturalism: logical >> universal > or >> natural = non sentient > physical > sentient and human.

2.19.       We will find that the universe is the GPU and therefore, logical = universal >> natural and cosmological (our cosmos); that for any epoch or being, some sentient epoch or being >> that epoch; and that with suitable interpretation logical = universal = sentient = human.

2.20.       The main kinds of possibility so far are for a being, universal, natural, sentient, the greatest, and logical.

2.21.       We are sure that logical >= greatest = universal >= natural >= physical.


What is metaphysics?††

3.     METAPHYSICS is the study of Being—the world, the universe—as it is.

The methods of metaphysics

The void and the fundamental principle of metaphysics††

A fundamental principle of metaphysics

3.1.     We will find that the universe is the realization of all possibility. The proof idea is that the void has no laws and so results in realization of all possibility. Proof, omitted in some brief versions, now follows.

3.2.     That is—The universe is the realization of all logical possibility. This is the FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLE OF METAPHYSICS (also, the fundamental principle or FP). From earlier discussion this is equivalent to saying that the universe is the greatest possible universe.

Substance and the properties of the void

3.3.     The void exists. It is ultimately simple; yet it generates every state and being.

Some consequences

3.4.     The universe has IDENTITY. Individual identity shares in universal identity.

3.5.     Sentient Being is the place of significance. And as we have seen, given any being or cosmos, there is a greater sentient being and creation by a sentient being.

3.6.     Regarding the issue of all possibilities, how can apparently contradictory possibilities be realized? True contradictions of course are not realized. However, amid the array of cosmoses there are limitless earths and near earths and in the latter there are alternate histories that were they but one history would be contradictory. The term ‘all possibilities’ harbors potential contradiction and care is needed to avoid such contradiction.

3.7.     Metaphysics, often said impossible, is possible.

A universal metaphysics††

Pure metaphysics

3.8.     The PURE METAPHYSICS is the metaphysical framework consequent on the universe as realization of all possibility. As derived from abstract versions of concepts, this is perfectly true though abstract.

3.9.     The explicit meaning of the pure metaphysics is that the universe of logical concepts has an object.

Tradition and pragmatics

3.10.       We understand TRADITION to be what is valid knowledge in the history of human culture including reason.

3.11.       As we (beings) move from civilization to civilization, cosmos to cosmos, pragmatic tradition is the perfect instrument in that trajectory of ultimate realization.

Perfect metaphysics and epistemology

3.12.       The join of the universal metaphysics and tradition provide a PERFECT METAPHYSICS (PERFECT UNIVERSAL METAPHYSICS OF THE ULTIMATE) of realization

3.13.       This also defines a PERFECT DUAL EPISTEMOLOGY.

3.14.       The pure and the pragmatic form a joint system that is perfect to the goal of the process of ultimate realization.


Existential attitude

3.15.       Since the universal metaphysics is internally and externally consistent, we may validly adopt it as an EXISTENTIAL ATTITUDE even if we doubt its proof.

Abstract and concrete objects††

3.16.       The universal metaphysics empowers understanding and unification of ‘concrete’ and ‘abstract objects’.

3.17.       Thus FP resolves issues of the concrete and the abstract. FP: every Logical concept has an object.

3.18.       Further consequences: DEATH, real but not absolute, is reminder that this life is no less significant than the ultimate and so to live well; the ultimate abstract is a RECEPTACLE of DISPOSITION to emerging-merging-reemerging identity of substantial beings…


What is cosmology?††

4.     COSMOLOGY is the study of the kinds, variety, and extension of beings. Cosmology is continuous with metaphysics and ontology.

4.1.     Cosmology emphasizes special cases from our EMPIRICAL COSMOS to the universe—this is the contrast to metaphysics.

Principles and methods of cosmology††

Inclusive and powerful

4.2.     The GENERAL PRINCIPLE OF COSMOLOGY is the universal metaphysics.

Particular and incisive

4.3.     We study cosmology systematically in its concrete aspects of variety, origins of form and levels of Being, origins of physical cosmology, and agency via ‘CATEGORIES OF BEING AND REASON’ which are the PARTICULAR PRINCIPLES OF SPECIAL AND GENERAL COSMOLOGY.

General cosmology††

4.4.     The universe is a FIELD OF BEING and a FIELD OF SENTIENCE and identities (entities, processes, relations—not substances) are its concentrations.

4.5.     General cosmology does not follow a strict substance metaphysics—one of fixed kinds and no emergence of or interaction among kinds.

4.6.     If the metaphysics and cosmology read as fantasy—as if entering a strange land—their truth is cast in Logic. Where access is improbable, cosmology of form, next, seeks the probable. Then The Way seeks access to the ultimate (via intelligent commitment that enhances enjoyment and likelihood), transforming it as needed to the probable.

Cosmology and origins of form††

4.7.     The study of cosmology and origins of form require intersection of the pure and pragmatic sides of metaphysics.

4.8.     Possibilities that are likely—and of significant population, stable and enduring, are ROBUST—e.g., ‘physically’. If also capable of meaning, they are SIGNIFICANTLY ROBUST.

4.9.     Generally, function and form are in rough proportion; in a SINGULAR EVENT increase in function is far beyond such proportion.

Levels of Being††

4.10.       The LEVELS OF BEING are stages of inclusivity, power, and sentient and intelligent agency.


Practical dynamics of agency††

4.11.       The idea of DYNAMICS OF AGENCY, is efficient means of being agentive in our normal lives and larger realms of Being (previous section). The dynamics may be seen as part of cosmology.

Becoming (Realization)

The Aim of Being

The aim††

5.     Here the AIM OF BEING is seen to be the aim of The Way of Being.

5.1.     The AIM of THE WAY OF BEING is a SHARED ENDEAVOR for Being, especially for the INDIVIDUAL and CIVILIZATION throughout the universe.


5.3.     The MEANS of discovery and realization are IDEAS, PRACTICE, and ACTION in interaction.

5.4.     The AIM of The Way is now seen as a universal aim of Being: to know the range of significant Being and realize its highest immediate and ultimate forms for all beings and Civilization.

Derivation of the aim††

5.5.     Even if the proof of the fundamental principle is not accepted, it is self and empirically consistent; and there is an imperative to the realizations that it entails. Even though the ultimate remain unrealized, there is value to attempts to realize—the potential, the inspiration, and what is learned on the way.

Ethics of the aim††

5.6.     It is inspiring and rewarding, spiritually and politically, to engage in the aim.

5.7.     Given that intelligent commitment enhances realization and enjoyment, what energies should we devote to the aim? The oneness of the universe implies the worth of devoting resources to the aim as ‘duty’ and joy. Quantitative choice, individual and social, may recognize that resource allocation is already integral to our secular and transsecular institutions. ETHICS are driven by citta, specifically ‘heart’, channeled by thought or ‘mind’, and encoded in culture. ‘Rational ethics’ stems from citta—mind and heart—there is no ethics without reason, emotion, and value.

The Way of Being


5.8.     Though we should DOUBT the universal metaphysics, it is consistent internally and with all we can know. Its argument is at least highly plausible—from the proof, and, e.g., that as a form of OCKHAM’S PRINCIPLE it is minimal regarding what is not in the universe (i.e., the ‘strong principle of plenitude’).

5.9.     We therefore adopt universal metaphysics as an EXISTENTIAL ATTITUDE—valuable in itself and as affording the greatest likely immediate and ultimate outcome of life. Without intuition immersed in attitude, intellect is impotent.

5.10.       While accepting temporal limits this side of death—while living in this world—we also live in act toward the ultimate.

Ways, catalysts and paths††

Traditional ways

5.11.       There is a range of ways—secular, suprasecular, and primal. The primal refers to ways before the secular split. I have not found such ways to be complete with regard to the ultimate. Yet, even where there is dogma, I have found parts of the traditions useful and inspiring. However, they are not essential to the practices that will follow.

Catalysts and paths

5.12.       Types of catalytic state—dream, hypnotic, meditative vision—world-self-unconscious, hallucinatory vision, enhanced body dynamic; brain states; Catalytic use—focusing dreams etc.; cultivation and integration in awareness over time; sensitivity to, cultivation of opportunity

Living The Way††

5.13.       WHOLENESS OF BEING involves heart—mind or CITTA (heart-mind): PERCEPTION-FEELINGCONCEPTION-EMOTIONACTIVE EXPERIENCE with VOLITION; and security in openness-transience, e.g. not depending on proof—the proof is in the person. This wholeness is essential to the way.



Everyday process template††

6.     Everyday process template—daily activity for realization and complementary to the universal process template: it is adaptable and should be adapted to a range of ways and phases of life, especially those of the universal process. It should be used selectively—and the order of activity should be varied according to need.

6.1.     Rise before the sun.

6.1.1.      Dedication. I dedicate my life to The Way of Being—to shared discovery (ideas) and realization (action and choice); to shedding the bonds of limited self and culture and so to see the way so clearly that even in difficulty life is flow over force (opening to the real in individuals and the world); to realizing the ultimate in this world and beyond (inner-intrinsic and instrumental ways in the dimensions and elements of the real).

6.1.2.      Shared affirmation. That pure unlimited consciousness that is all Being alone is supreme reality. That is the universe—its life and breath—that am I. So I am and embody the self-transcending universe that is all Being and has no other.

6.2.     Review and meditate on realization and immediate priorities and means.

6.3.     Realization. Work and care. Ideas, writing, networking with the young and the established; shared action, transmission, experiment: everyday process and universal process. Days for renewal. Other activities, e.g. languages, art.

6.4.     Tasks. Daily (MORNING); meals; select andor regular days for long term tasks.

6.5.     Experimental yoga, general—relation to the real, postural.

6.6.     Exercise. Aerobic: in nature; and photography.

6.7.     Evening. Rest, renewal, meditation, realization, and community. Evening tasks, preparation and dedication of the next day and the future. Sleep early.

Universal process template††

7.     Universal process template—a template for general action. It covers the dimensions of Being—its use will be selective.

7.1.     Action: Beingdimension: Pure Being and a spiritual home.

7.1.1.      Detail. Everyday process, bridges the immediate-ultimate. Vision retreat.

7.2.     Action: Ideas—dimension: Knowing.

7.2.1.      Detail. For understanding, begin with the ideas.

7.3.     Action: Becoming with phases of human life—dimension: Nature and Psyche.

7.3.1.      Detail. Nature as ground for the real of real and renewal e.g. as in Beyul: quest for the real as in Tibetan Buddhism. These focus on nature as gateway.

7.4.     Action: Becoming (with phases of human life)—dimension: Civilization—with society and culture.

7.4.1.      Detail. Civilization and shared immersion (a shared immersion approach to transformation, community populating the universe), cultural economics and politics (a model that includes Marxian and Schumpeterian political economy).

7.5.     Action: Becoming with phases of human life—dimension: Artifact.

7.5.1.      Detail. Artifactual Being (on the use of computation and networking in realization—as adjunct and as independent identity) and technology.

7.6.     Action: Becoming (with phases of human life)—dimension: Universal.

7.6.1.      Detail. Catalysts (on catalytic transformation), ways (on religion as a source for transformation), in everyday process, and renewal, knowledge, technology, developed-deployed in transforming Being-civilization.

The Path


8.     Being is ever on the path, sometimes consciously, to design and affect DESTINY.

8.1.     Everyday process is a (personal), flexible, adaptable routine for living in the immediate as ultimate. Universal process is an adaptable process for living in the immediate for and with openness to the ultimate.

8.2.     It is crucial that the everyday and the universal reflect each other and both reflect the immediate and the ultimate.

Past and present††

8.3.     An evaluation of The Way of Being—the ideas are relatively complete but always under review. The ultimate is given to all Being but normally only felt, seen, or potential in ‘this life’—transformation is ongoing.


8.4.     My outline plan is (a) follow the broad picture from TWB and (b) specifically to follow the two templates.