Saturday, October 08 | Next Saturday:








PRIORITIESAwareness.Intensity TRANSITIONS: return- review- next

PROJECTS: Understaiding ® Expt®Variety, sim® Action-ch-hx-group

Place-ent | change: Retreat:need? Y: presence | look.jib.advertise.contact.charisma |  Deadlines

$.Retirement – insurance – meds | Citizengrn card – passport | MoveEureka, new truck

What I want: read / travel widely… be in nature… love… art… music… dance… plants…

Sudden drastic change + continuity of purpose | Position: ideas + expts – phases I & II
Health: review MD issues

This document has been replaced and will be retained until the automation has been absorbed to priorities-sequence.html

Sunday: toward placement || Out.prep | X.walk

Daily: f.x.diet.sleep1st: Review.Projects.X; Final: review-prep, weekday: foodx1-2 days | sleep

Saturdays: Review.weekposs wknd.x.out | Bills. Town.supplies

 | Food: prep x 4+ weeks | Type; data backup, Install Windows | outlook

Week: emph health | Weekend: emph ideas || Month:

Year: PUBLISH; find WORK | 5 years: PRIORITIES / placement above| Life: BE

Monday: Projects | JIB |  Weekend options: hiking: places: river: out.x.inspire.prep | Where to camp?

Tuesday: options for weekend | Project.out

Home.Misc. 0. General: meds / help cleaning / fix light fixture, toilet, vacuum cleaner, iron / board  1. Minimize 2. Out: modular spaces & kits: trips, run, bike… 3. Computer – supplies and data backup / battery, memory, expertise fns, 2nd hd dr & desk or laptop / scan – engineering, trinities, family / in automating planning, use text files for options and variables to contain them | 4. Bank ® mileage+

General and vacation (concept) planning with outlook calendar (with deadlines) and planning templates ® Internet

Wednesday: Project

Town: Needs: 0. Areas: House – furniture | clothes – fitting pants, shirts, work | Outdoor – running | Truck: see recommendations; 1. Browse: house, supplies list and town; 2. Items: magnets | waste basket, chairs | tee shirts | nioxin, hair products | sweats | pens | bug spray & bomb; 3. Out: water bottle, ; 4. Food etc: H20.FFW/M, Farmers Market; 5. Cash: $25/wk; 6. Eureka: vitamins – multivitamin?

Thursday | Friday:


Work: respect / care: self / others | no bank cards, cash = – $20 / wk
Alt job and
initiatives, planning / rsrch; software proj: txplan; portfolio: admin
noc pes; AT; automate- assignments / noc sv / packet; later: schedule; review all forms
Alt.return from vac: job – above; less time; 16hr shifts
webmail; jobs | Bandaids: Winco | Change of Address

Download: planning.doc/.html and agreement.doc